Legacy Speaker Bureau

Sweetspot Business Podcast

Are You Putting God First in Every Part of Your Day? with Elizabeth Payne

August 24, 20242 min read
Featured Guest: Elizabeth Payne, watch on YouTube

A woman with a passion for helping others live and grow in grace, an author and pastor, a makeup enthusiast, a loving wife, and a mom of two—that is our featured guest in today’s episode. Let’s welcome Pastor Elizabeth Payne!

She dedicates her life to sharing the love of Christ with others and helping them discover their unique God-given purpose. Elizabeth has a special love for vulnerable children and dreams of opening an orphanage in the Caribbean.

She earned her Bachelor of Arts in Ministry and Leadership from Oral Roberts University. Elizabeth uses her formal education and experiential knowledge of living in God’s presence to help others realize they were created by God with a purpose and for a purpose.

Visit Elizabeth's pages to learn more about the work she does: https://linktr.ee/pastorpayne

Be sure to subscribe to Elizabeth's page at https://linktr.ee/pastorpayne
Go and follow Elizabeth on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/pastor_elizabethpayne/

"… we must seek his help, so it says in Matthew 6:33 that to seek the Kingdom above all else."

"What I like to do is, I like to invite God into everything that I'm doing and like I said before, I'm a wife, a mother, and a pastor, so anything that I am involved in, I ask God to help me. Help me to be the wife that He's called me to be, help me to be the mother that He's called me to be, help me to do the laundry, help me to do the dishes, all those things in my life, I ask God to be first and to help me, so I invite Him."

"… even when people do come to me and ask me questions or to counsel them, Lord, help me because I don't know what to say or what to do, You know. I am not God so I need God's help first."

"We need to be mindful of each and every word that we say because it has the power of life or the power of death, and so it's really important to be speaking life into our lives and everything that we're involved in."

Here are Elizabeth's 3 valuable keywords:

  1. Make a commitment to put God first in everything

  2. Declare God's word over our life and everything that concerns us

  3. Journaling and having quiet time with God

"And remember…Don’t Miss the Call! You’ve been born with a purpose for a purpose! I’m cheering you on to live your best life in Christ!" Elizabeth

Niccie Kliegl and Legacy Leaders

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